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20 steps how to get success in IAS EXAMS.

20 steps how to get success in IAS EXAMS.         

The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) exam is one of the toughest competitive exams in India, and it requires immense dedication, hard work, and perseverance to crack. The exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), and it is divided into three stages - Prelims, Mains, and Interview.

To succeed in the IAS exam, one needs to have a comprehensive strategy and a clear understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus. This guide provides 20 steps to help aspirants prepare for the IAS exam and increase their chances of success.

 What are the 20 steps to get success in the IAS exam?

The 20 steps to get success in the IAS exam are:

• Understand the exam pattern and syllabus.

• Read newspapers, magazines, and books on various subjects.

• Make notes and revise them regularly.

• Take mock tests and solve previous year question papers.

• Focus on time management and speed.

• Develop writing and analytical skills.

• Practice answer writing and essay writing.

• Attend coaching classes or online courses.

• Discuss with peers and mentors.

• Stay updated with current affairs.

• Follow a healthy routine and lifestyle.

• Take breaks and relax.

• Stay motivated and positive.

• Learn from failures and mistakes.

• Develop a reading habit.

• Improve communication skills.

• Improve interpersonal skills.

• Develop leadership skills.

• Build a strong personality.

• Believe in yourself and your abilities.


• What is the IAS exam?

The IAS exam is a competitive exam conducted by the UPSC to recruit candidates for various administrative services in the government of India.

• What is the exam pattern for the IAS exam?

The IAS exam is conducted in three stages - Prelims, Mains, and Interview. The Prelims exam consists of two papers - General Studies and Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT). The Mains exam consists of nine papers, including an essay paper and two optional papers. The Interview stage assesses the candidate's personality and suitability for a career in the civil services.

• What is the eligibility criteria for the IAS exam?

The candidate must be a citizen of India and have a bachelor's degree from a recognized university. The age limit for the exam is 21-32 years.

• How can I prepare for the IAS exam?

To prepare for the IAS exam, aspirants need to have a comprehensive strategy and a clear understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus. They should read newspapers, magazines, and books on various subjects, including current affairs, history, geography, and economics. They should also take mock tests and solve previous year question papers.

• How long does it take to prepare for the IAS exam?

The duration of preparation for the IAS exam varies from person to person. It depends on factors like the candidate's background, knowledge, and understanding of the subjects, and the amount of time they can devote to preparation. On average, candidates take 1-2 years to prepare for the exam.

• Is coaching necessary for the IAS exam?

No, coaching is not necessary for the IAS exam. However, it can help aspirants with their preparation and provide them with guidance and support.

• Can non-Indian citizens apply for the IAS exam?

No, only Indian citizens are eligible to apply for the IAS exam.

• What is the passing percentage for the IAS exam?

There is no fixed passing percentage for the IAS exam. Candidates are selected based on their performance in the exam and the availability of vacancies.

• How many attempts are allowed for the IAS exam?

General category candidates can


attempt the IAS exam a maximum of 6 times, while OBC candidates can attempt the exam 9 times. There is no limit for SC/ST candidates.

• Is there negative marking in the IAS exam?

Yes, there is negative marking in the Prelims exam. For each incorrect answer, one-third of the marks allotted to that question will be deducted.

• How is the final score calculated for the IAS exam?

The final score is calculated based on the marks obtained in the Mains exam and the Interview stage. The Prelims exam is only a qualifying exam, and the marks obtained in this stage are not considered for the final score.

• What are the job roles offered through the IAS exam?

The IAS exam is conducted to recruit candidates for various administrative services in the government of India, including the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS), among others.

• Can candidates choose their optional subjects for the IAS exam?

Yes, candidates can choose their optional subjects for the Mains exam from a list of subjects provided by the UPSC.

• Is it possible to crack the IAS exam in the first attempt?

Yes, it is possible to crack the IAS exam in the first attempt with the right preparation strategy, dedication, and hard work.

• Are there any age relaxations for candidates belonging to reserved categories?

Yes, there are age relaxations for candidates belonging to reserved categories, as per the rules of the government of India.

• Can candidates use calculators in the IAS exam?

No, candidates are not allowed to use calculators in the IAS exam. However, they can use non-programmable scientific calculators in the Mains exam.

• How can candidates improve their interview performance in the IAS exam?

Candidates can improve their interview performance in the IAS exam by preparing thoroughly, staying confident, and maintaining a positive attitude. They should also be aware of the current affairs and issues related to their optional subjects.

• What is the cut-off score for the IAS exam?

The cut-off score for the IAS exam varies every year, depending on the number of vacancies and the performance of the candidates.

• Is it necessary to have a background in political science or law to crack the IAS exam?

No, it is not necessary to have a background in political science or law to crack the IAS exam. Candidates from diverse academic backgrounds can crack the exam with the right preparation strategy and hard work.

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