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 21-Point Strategy for Selection in IAS: A Comprehensive Guide.   

21-Point Strategy for Selection in IAS: A Comprehensive Guide

Preparing for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) exam can be a daunting task, but with the right strategy and dedication, it is possible to crack the exam. Here is a 21-point strategy for selection in IAS with an elaborate description and FAQs:

• Understand the exam pattern: The first step towards cracking the IAS exam is to understand its pattern. The exam consists of three stages- Prelims, Mains, and Interview.

• Gather study material: Gather all the necessary study material such as NCERT books, reference books, and previous year question papers.

• Create a study schedule: Create a study schedule that suits you the best. Divide your time between all the subjects and give more time to the ones that you find difficult.

• Focus on conceptual clarity: Understanding concepts is crucial for success in the IAS exam. Focus on understanding the basics and building a strong foundation.

• Read newspapers and current affairs: Reading newspapers and staying updated with current affairs is important for both Prelims and Mains.

• Practice writing skills: Writing skills are essential for Mains. Practice writing essays, answers, and reports.

• Join a coaching institute: Joining a coaching institute can be beneficial as they provide guidance and resources to help you prepare.

• Take mock tests: Mock tests are a great way to evaluate your performance and identify your weaknesses.

• Improve time management skills: Time management skills are crucial for success in the IAS exam. Practice time management while studying and during the exam.

• Stay motivated: Staying motivated throughout the preparation phase is important. Keep reminding yourself of your goals and the benefits of clearing the exam.

• Solve previous year question papers: Solving previous year question papers will help you understand the exam pattern and the type of questions asked.

• Use technology to your advantage: Use technology to your advantage by watching online videos and using educational apps.

• Practice group discussions and debates: Group discussions and debates help improve your communication and critical thinking skills.

• Take breaks: Taking breaks is important to prevent burnout. Take short breaks between study sessions to refresh your mind.

• Eat healthy and exercise regularly: Eating healthy and exercising regularly will help you stay focused and reduce stress.

• Focus on your strengths: Focus on your strengths while preparing for the exam. Use them to your advantage.

• Improve your weaknesses: Identify your weaknesses and work on improving them.

• Stay positive: Maintaining a positive attitude throughout the preparation phase is crucial for success.

• Plan for the interview: Prepare for the interview by reading about the current issues and practicing mock interviews.

• Stay calm during the exam: Staying calm during the exam is important. Take deep breaths and stay focused.

• Be confident: Believe in yourself and your abilities. Be confident that you will clear the IAS exam.


Q. What is the eligibility criteria for the IAS exam?
A. The eligibility criteria for the IAS exam include being a citizen of India, holding a bachelor's degree from a recognized university, and being between the age group of 21-32 years.

Q. How many attempts can be made for the IAS exam?
A. The maximum number of attempts for the IAS exam is six.

Q. How long does it take to prepare for the IAS exam?
A. The duration of preparation for the IAS exam varies from person to person. On average, it takes around 12-18 months to prepare for the exam.

Q. Is it necessary to join a coaching institute for the IAS exam?
A. Joining a coaching institute is not necessary for clearing the IAS exam. However, it can be beneficial as they provide guidance and resources to help you prepare.

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